How Long Does it Take to Get Flood Insurance?

Why Planning Ahead For Flood Insurance is Vital

Recent news has highlighted an increase in flooding across the nation, some even occurring in areas previously deemed safe from such disasters. External factors such as climate change, rising water levels, and urban developments contribute to this surge. In Alabama, the impact of heavy rainfall and exposure to tropical systems and hurricanes have always been a concern. As a result, at Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we have noticed a growing interest in inquiries and quotes for flood insurance.

One important aspect to remember about flood insurance is that it doesn’t come into effect immediately. Here’s what you need to know:

Forethought and Preparation are Key

Acquiring flood insurance isn’t as simple as deciding to buy it. There’s an application to be filled out and a price quote to be generated. Once you’ve decided to purchase the insurance, a waiting period begins.

Applicants should be aware that flood insurance doesn’t take effect immediately. Typically, a 30-day waiting period is imposed from the day of purchase until the coverage is fully in place. This means you won’t be able to buy flood insurance in response to imminent weather warnings for storms or tropical systems.

How We Can Assist

Robinson Insurance Group LLC can guide you if you are contemplating flood insurance. We can answer your queries, assist with the application process, help you obtain a price quote, and put your coverage into effect.

Whether you reside along the Alabama coast or further north, contact Robinson Insurance Group LLC today for your insurance needs.