Flood Insurance FAQs: All you need to know

Each year, people in Alabama have to deal with the same thing – flooding. Flooding causes thousands and thousands of dollars of damage. That is why more and more people think about getting flood insurance. If you are one of those homeowners, keep on reading this blog post with the answers to the most common questions about flood insurance: 

1. Do you need flood insurance if you have home insurance? 

The short answer is yes. The reason is that home insurance does not cover flood damage.

2. Do you need flood insurance if you do not live near the water?

If you do not live near the water, you are not required to carry flood insurance. However, there is still a chance that you will be affected by a flood at least once within 30 years. 

3. What does flood insurance cover?

Typically, flood insurance covers debris removal, cleanup, and repairs you need after a flood. It pays for water damage from different events, such as storms, heavy rains, broken pipes, and flash floods. However, every policy is different, so discussing coverage and your insurance needs with an insurance agent is better. 

Do you live in the state of Alabama and are considering buying flood insurance to protect your property and personal belongings? Then, feel free to reach out to Robinson Insurance Group LLC, a local insurance company that works with clients throughout Alabama. At Robinson Insurance Group LLC, we will be able to answer all of your questions and help you find the best policy according to your needs and budget.